Sysoev Ilya V.
PhD (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences). |
Assistant-professor of department of electronics, oscillations and waves of Saratov State University. |
Was born in June 9 1983 in Saratov. |
In 1999 graduated from "Lyceum of applied sciences" with silver medal and entered the Faculty of Nonlinear Processes of Saratov State University. |
In April-December worked as engineer of Institute of Physics of Open Systems by Saratov State University. |
In 2004 graduated from Saratov State University and obtained the distinctions. Theme of diploma paper is "Reconstruction of models of nonautonomous system in presence of hidden variables". |
In 2004 entered postgraduate education in Saratov State University. The supervisor is professor, the chief of department of dynamical modelling and biomedical engineering Boris P. Bezruchko. |
From February 2005 also works as the assistant-professor of department of electronics, oscillations and waves of Saratov State University. |
Scientific interests
Investigation and modernisation of hidden variables approaches for system reconstruction. |
Reconstruction of biological object models, in particular of nephron (functional unit of kidney) and human vocal folds. |
Identification of equations of nonautonomous systems from experimental time series. |
Construction of radioengineering models from time series. |
Personal grants
Soros student in 2000. |
Granted from Government of Russian Federation in 2001/2002 as an excellent student. |
Granted from Regional Educational Centre 006 of Nonlinear Dynamics and Biophysics in 2001-2005 (supported by CRDF). |
Granted from President of Russian Federation in 2002/2003 as an excellent student. |
Participant of "First English Summer Camp" for young scientists, postgraduate students and students, supported by CRDF, Tourgojak (Chelyabinsk Region), July 2002. |
Supported by Foundation of Noncommercial Programs "Dynasty" in 2003-2004. |
Pedagogical activity
Supervisor of 1 diploma paper and 3 course works of students of Faculty of Nonlinear Processes. |
Gives the lectures in "Mathematical modelling". |
Leads practical trainings and seminars "mathematical modelling", "synergetics", "electronic and ionic devices", "physical electronics", "waves, structures and self-organisation". |
Participant of conferences
VII and VI All-Russian conferences "Nonlinear oscillations of mechanical systems" (2005, 2002, Nizhny Novgorod), International scientific-engineering conference "Radioengineering and communication", Saratov, 2005, VII International school-conference "Chaotic self-oscillations and spattern formation", Saratov, 2004, "The second international conference on circuits and systems for communication", Moscow, Russia, 2004, XII All-Russian school-conference "Nonlinear waves - 2004", Nizhny Novgorod, 2004, International Symposium "Topical problems of nonlinear wave physics", Nizhny Novgorod, 2003, 6th International school on chaotic oscillations and pattern formation (October 2001, Russia, SaraSaratov).
Author of 21 publications: 4 articles in Russian and International Journals, 2 articles in collections, and 15 proceedings and theses of conferences.
Author of patent
No.2004115469/28(016733). The method of measurement of nonlinear device characteristics. Bezruchko B.P., Seleznev Ye.P., Smirnov D.A., Sysoev I.V., IPC 7 G 01 R 27/08, 31/27. |
The main publications
- Boris P. Bezruchko, Dmitry A. Smirnov and Ilya V. Sysoev. Identification of chaotic systems with hidden variables (modified Bock's algorithm) // Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, in press (accepted 30 August 2005).
- B.P. Bezruchko, D.A. Smirnov and I.V. Sysoev. Reconstruction in presence of hidden variables: modified Bock's approach // Izv. VUZ., "AND", Vol. 12, No 6, - 2004. P. 93-104.
- D.A. Smirnov, I.V. Sysoev, Ye.P. Seleznev, B.P. Bezruchko. Reconstruction of models of nonautonomous systems with discrete spectrum of driving // Letters to JAPh, 2003, Vol. 29, No 19. P. 69-76.
- B.P. Bezruchko, Ye.P. Seleznev, V.I. Ponomarenko, M.D. Prokhorov, D.A. Smirnov, T.V. Dikanev, I.V. Sysoev, A.S. Karavaev. Special Approaches to Global Reconstruction of Equations from Time Series // Izv. VUZ. "AND", Vol. 10, №3, 2002. P. 137-158.
- Boris Bezruchko, Dmitry Smirnov, Taras Dikanev, and Ilya Sysoev. Construction of dynamical model equations for nonautonomous systems from time series (peculiarities and special approaches). // Chaos and its Reconstruction. Edited by G. Gouesbet and S. Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel. Nova Science Publishers, 2003. P. 215-243.
- B.P. Bezruchko, M.B. Bodrov, T.V. Dikanev, A.S. Karavaev, V.I. Ponomarenko, M.D. Prokhorov, Ye.P. Seleznev, I.V. Sysoev, D.A. Smirnov. Some problems of model equations reconstruction from experimental time series and ways of their solutions // Nonlinear waves' 2004 / Edited by A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov and V.I. Nekorkin. - Nizhny Novgorod: IAPh RAS, 2005. P. 381-397.
Postal address
Saratov State University, Bolshaya Kazachya Street, 112A, Saratov, 410012, Russia
Tel.: +7 8452 498037