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  About the group

The Modeling in Nonlinear Dynamics Group

appeared as the result of integration of activity of the Academical Research Institute and University. The Group consists of researches from Saratov Branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB IRE RAS) and lecturers, PhD students and students of the Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies of Saratov State University (SSU).

The head of the Group is Professor, Doctor of Sciences Boris P. Bezruchko

Main topics of the Group's scientific activity:

  • Development of approaches for analysis and modeling of oscillatory phenomena in nonlinear systems from discrete sequences of experimentally observed quantities (i.e., from time series);

  • Investigation of possibilities of application of nonlinear dynamics approaches in general and techniques of empirical model reconstruction in particular to the problems of radiophysics, physiology, medical diagnostics, climatology and other practical fields. We are open for collaboration in the field of investigation of advanced systems of different nature where our approaches may be efficient;

  • Construction and experimental investigation of nonlinear radiophysical systems exhibiting complex dynamics, including chaotic one. Simulation of standard nonlinear models for oscillatory and wave phenomena.

We are taking an active part in educational process. Using scientific results and equipment of the RAS Institute, we provide possibilities to perform term and degree works for undergraduate students and dissertation works for PhD students. We are giving lecture courses for students of various departments of SSU and special courses and physical lessons for senior Lyceum pupils. We organize competitions among senior school pupils and involve talented youth in the research activity.

We thank Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Foundation for Domestic Science Support, INTAS, Foundation of Noncommercial Programs “Dynasty”, Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, CRDF, and Scientific Educational Center for Nonlinear Dynamics and Biophysics of SSU (REC-006) for support.

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