Group members
Seleznev Yevgeny Petrovich
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Prosessor.
Senior researcher, Saratov Branch, Intitute of RadioEngineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences (SB IRE RAS).
of birth: March 1960 in Saratov.
1977 graduated from physical-mathematical school No 13 of Saratov
city. Awarded with the medal "Junior participant of Exhibition
of Achievements of National Economy of USSR". |
In 1982
graduated from department of Radioengineering of Physical faculty
of Saratov State University. Diploma paper topic: "Investigation
of the possibility of remote connection with computer based
on its electromagnetic radiation", diploma paper supervisor
- dr. of Philosophy, scientific secretary of Saratov Filial
of Institution of Radioengineering and Electronics of Academy
of Sciences of USSR. |
From 1982
till 1984 stazher-researcher of Saratov Filial of Institution
of Radioengineering and Electronics of Academy of Sciences of
From 1984
till 1985 engineer, chief-engineer and since 1985 (м.н.с.) of
Saratov Filial of Institution of Radioengineering and Electronics
of Academy of Sciences of USSR. |
From 1988
till 1992 н.с. of Saratov Filial of Institution of Radioengineering
and Electronics of Academy of Sciences of USSR. |
23rd 1990 defended the thesis applying the Dr. of philosophy
degree. Theme of thesis was "Chaotic dynamics of nonautonomous
radiophysical systems with nonlinear capacity" in Saratov
Sate University. Scientific supervisor (в.н.с.) Saratov Filial
of Institution of Radioengineering and Electronics of Academy
of Sciences of USSR PhD B.P. Bezruchko. |
1992 Ye.P. Seleznev has been working as a (с.н.с.) in Saratov
Branch of Institution of Radioengineering and Electronics of
Academy of Sciences of USSR. |
Scientific interests
investigation of nonlinear dynamical systems. |
Reconstruction of models of such systems from time series. |
1996 till 1998 performer of Russian Foundation of Basic Researches grant
No 96-02-16755. |
1999 till 2001 performer of Russian Foundation of Basic Researches grants
No 99-02-17735 and No 99-02-16016, and performer of Federal Purpose Program
"Integration" grant No 636.03. |
2000 till 2002 scientific supervisor of RFBR grant No 00-02-17441, performer
of RFBR grant No 02-02-17578 |
2001 scientific supervisor of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences
grant for young scientists No 23. |
Participant of conferences
Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES), Moscow, 1997; |
oscillations of mechanical systems, Nizhny Novgorod, 1999,2002; |
6th international school on chaotic oscillations and pattern formation
(Chaos) in 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1998, 2001, Saratov, Russia. |
Fundamental problems of physics 1998, and 2000, Saratov. |
Modern problems of microwave electronics and radiophysics, 2001, Saratov. |
Pedagogical Activity
Head of educational-scientific laboratory "Nonlinear dynamics (physical
In 2000-2001 developed in collaboration with PhD V.I. Ponomarenko lection
course "Analogous and digital electronics" for students of Faculty
of Computer Sciences and Technologies of Saratov State University.
Scientific Publications
Author and co-author of 90 scientific publications, including 30 papers
in abstracted journals, and one methodical supply.