Kurbako Aleksandr Vasilievich
Assistant, Department of Dynamic Modeling and Biomedical Engineering Institute of Physics SSU N.G. Chernyshevsky |
Junior researcher, laboratory "SF-6" SF IRE them. V.A. Kotelnikov |
Date of birth: August, 24, 1997
Place of birth: Znamensk
Marital status: not married
General experience: 3 years
Experience in the specialty: 3 years
Work experience
Junior researcher, laboratory "SF-6" SF IRE them. V.A. Kotelnikov (2021 – now) |
Assistant, Department of Dynamic Modeling and Biomedical Engineering Institute of Physics SSU N.G. Chernyshevsky (2021 - now) |
Laboratory assistant, laboratory "Smart sleep" them. N.G. Chernyshevsky SSU (2019 - now) |
Programmer, department of geological and technological equipment at Geofizmash LLC (2019 - 2021) |
2015 - graduated from the Lyceum No. 2, Saratov
2019 - Bachelor's degree with honors in Biotechnical systems and technologies, SSU
2021 - Master's degree with honors in "Biotechnical systems and technologies", SSU
Teaching disciplines
Electricity and magnetism |
Application of analog circuits in medical technology |
Principles of construction and protection of information systems |
Main publications
A.V. Kurbako, D.D. Kulminskii, E.I. Borovkova, A.R. Kiselev, V.V. Skazkina, V.I. Ponomarenko, M.D. Prokhorov, and B.P. Bezruchko, Gridnev V.I., Karavaev A.S. Sensitivity increase of the real-time diagnostic method of phase synchronization of autogenerators by their non-stationary time series. // Izvestiya vuzov. PND. 2021, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 892–904.
Kurbako A.V., Borovkova E.I., Kiselev A.R., Skazkina V.V., Ponomarenko V.I., Bezruchko B.P., Karavaev A.S. Method for diagnosing phase synchronization of autonomic control circuits blood circulation in real time // Bulletin of the Saratov University. New episode. Series: Physics. 2021. Vol. 21, no. 3. S. 213–221.
Kulminsky D.D., Kurbako A.V., Skazkina V.V., Prokhorov M.D., Ponomarenko V.I., Kiselev A.R., Bezruchko B.P., Karavaev A.S. Development digital sensor of the digital photoplethysmogram // Bulletin of the Saratov University. New episode. Series: Physics. 2021. Vol. 21, no. 1. P. 58–68.
Kurbako A.V., Kulminsky D.D., Borovkova E.I., Kiselev A.R., Skazkina V.V., Ponomarenko V.I., Bezruchko B.P., Karavaev A.S. “Modification of real-time method for diagnostics of synchronization between the autonomic control loops” // Proceedings of the V Scientific School “Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications”, 2021, pp. 134 – 136.
A.V. Kurbako, D.D. Kulminsky, E.I. Borovkova, A.R. Kiselev, V.V. Skazkina, V.I. Ponomarenko, M.D. Prokhorov, B.P. Bezruchko, A.S. Karavaev "Device and method for diagnosing synchronization of circuits of autonomous control of blood circulation in real time" // Nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and nonlinear physics. Proceedings of the XVI All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, 2021, pp. 100-101.
Kurbako A.V., Kulminsky D.D., Borovkova E.I., Kiselev A.R., Skazkina V.V., Ponomarenko V.I., Bezruchko B.P., Karavaev A.S. "Real time method of autonomic control loops synchronization diagnostics" // Conference proceedings 3rd International Conference Volga Neuroscience Meeting, 2021, pp. 70-72.
A.V. Kurbako, E.I. Borovkova, A.N. Khramkov, D.M. Ezhov, D.D. Kul’minsky “A new method for diagnosing phase synchronization of circuits of autonomic control of blood circulation in real time” // Nonlinear days in Saratov for young people. Proceedings of the XXIX All-Russian Scientific Conference, 2021, pp. 72-73.
A.V. Kurbako, E.I. Borovkova, D.D. Kulminsky, A.N. Khramkov, D.M. Ezhov “Comparison of methods for real-time diagnostics of phase synchronization of self-oscillators by their non-stationary time series” // Path to Science. Maths. Abstracts of the All-Russian Youth Conference, 2021, pp. 77-80.
Kurbako A.V., Kulminskiy D.D., Borovkova E.I., Simonyan M.A., Posnenkova O.M., Ponomarenko V.I., Kiselev A.R., Karavaev A.S. "The influence of the photoplethysmographic sensors passband to the possibility of analyzing of low-frequency processes of autonomic control" // Dynamics of complex networks and their application inintellectual robotic. Collection of materials of the IV International School-Conference of Young Scientists, 2020, pp. 152-153.
Kurbako A.V., Kulminskii D.D., Khorev V.S., Posnenkova O.M. “Influence of the bandwidth of a photoplethysmographic sensor on the possibility of analyzing low-frequency regulation of the cardiovascular system” // Methods of computer diagnostics in biology and medicine. Collection of articles of the All-Russian School-Seminar, 2020, pp. 145-146.
Kurbako A.V., Navrotskaya E.V., Khorev V.S., Kudryashova V.V., Chernets E.P., Posnenkova O.M. “Influence of the bandwidth of a photoplethysmographic sensor on the possibility of analyzing the synchronization of low-frequency processes of autonomous regulation” // Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Nonlinear Physics. Proceedings of the XV All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, 2020, pp. 141-142.
Kurbako A.V., Navrotskaya E.V., Khorev V.S., Kudryashova V.V., Chernets E.P., Posnenkova O.M. “Influence of the bandwidth of a photoplethysmographic sensor on the possibility of analyzing the synchronization of low-frequency processes of autonomous regulation” // Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Nonlinear Physics. Proceedings of the XV All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, 2020, pp. 141-142.
Kurbako A.V., Navrotskaya E.V., Khorev V.S., Kudryashova V.V., Chernets E.P. Posnenkova O.M. “Influence of the bandwidth of a photoplethysmographic sensor on the possibility of analyzing the synchronization of low-frequency processes of autonomous regulation” // Path to Science. Maths. Abstracts of the All-Russian Youth Conference, 2020, pp. 23-24.
Kurbako A.V., Skazkina V.V., Karavaev A.S. A program for receiving, processing and transferring a photoplethysmogram from a sensor to a personal computer. Computer program registration certificate RU 2020664251, 11/11/2020. Application No. 2020662321 dated 10/18/2020.
Kurbako A.V., Skazkina V.V., Karavaev A.S. A program for obtaining, processing, visualizing and saving photoplethysmogram data to storage media. Certificate of registration of the computer program RU 2020664204, 09.11.2020. Application No. 2020662326 dated 10/18/2020.
Grants and research projects:
Project Lead for project No. 9002GU / 2015 of the Bortnik Foundation; executive for projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 19-32-90206, 19-02-00071, 18-07-00205 and others; executive for projects of the Russian Science Foundation No. 19-12-00201, 14-12-00291, 18-74-10064; executive for Mega grants 14.Z50.31.0044 and 075-15-2019-1885.
Business address
Russia, 410012, Saratov city, st. Bolshaya Kazachaya str., 112A, VIII building, room 114
e-mail: kurbako.sasha@mail.ru
SPIN-код: 1121-9551
ScopusID: 57212755691
ORCID: 0000-0002-3479-4609