--> CHAOS-2004 CHAOS-2004
First Announcement

(CHAOS - 2004)

October 1-6, 2004
Saratov, Russia

      The School is organized by Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB IRE RAS), Scientific and Educational Center of Nonlinear Dynamics and Biophysics of Saratov State University, and State Educational and Scientific Center "College".

      The School will take place in a comfortable holiday hotel not far from Saratov city. The School on Chaotic Oscillations and Pattern Formation is held in Saratov from 1985with a threeyear interval. The School was always focused on the problems of nonlinear dynamics with an emphasis on the most actual topics. The first Schools dealt with completely deterministic systems, the theory of dynamical chaos, simple objects, low-dimensional models and applications in radiophysics and electronics. The main topics of the 7th School will be distributed systems, spatially extended systems, objects and models with noise, synchronization and phase dynamics. Applications of fundamental research and methods of nonlinear dynamics in biology, physiology and medical diagnostics will be considered. To keep up the traditions, the School programme will contain a discussion of fundamental problems and perspectives of nonlinear dynamics development and such applications as radiophysics and electronics, processing and transmission of information, and education.
      The leading Russian and foreign specialists in the field of nonlinear dynamics will be invited to take part in the work of the School. Young scientists, post-graduate students and students will have an opportunity to listen to the lectures and to present their own results at poster sessions and seminars. We plan to publish the proceedings of the School. Russian will be the official language of the School. The simultaneous translation of English speaking lecturers will be provided.

      If you wish to participate in the School and to receive further information, please, fill in the attached registration form and send it to the Organizing Committee by the following e-mail address: nonlinmod@sgu.ru. The second announcement will be sent to the participants before April 15, 2004.

      The proposals of the prospective authors on the work of the School are encouraged.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

Prof. D. I. Trubetskov (Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia)


Organizing Committee of CHAOS 2004
State Educational and Scientific Centre "College"
Saratov State University
83, Astrakhanskaya str.,
Saratov, 410026,

Tel.: +7 (8452) 511180
Fax: +7 (8452) 523864
E-mail: nonlinmod@sgu.ru
WWW: http://cas.ssu.runnet.ru/chaos04.htm

Preliminary Registration Form

1) Full name (first, middle and surname)
2) Affiliation and position
3) Address for correspondence
4) Telephone
5) E-mail
6) Fields of interest

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